An easy and free recycling program isn’t the only perk of Cell Phone Recycling Week. Many companies are jumping on board and pledging to do something extra for each customer that is joining the cause. For example T-mobile has promised to plant a tree for “each customer that recycles a phone, goes paperless or upgrades to the Motorola Renew.”
Wondering what is going to happen to that clunky Samsung or Motorola you chose to recycle? The program is centered on the concept of “reuse.” Therefore the phones that are collected are going to go under “rigorous testing.” The results, an innovative way to reuse or repair the phone. If not they are ISO certified to recycle the phone and its precious metals while keeping the landfills safe of any toxic materials. This is a win-win situation for all and is a perfect way to make a difference by Easter!
While you're at it, why not recycle some of the other things around your home? Contact your local Habitat for Humanity ReStore and they'll give new life to your old items.
Thank you to Vanessa Dang, one of our terrific Orange County interns for this blog post.
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