Friday, December 19, 2008
An Extra Day At Go Green Expo
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Go Green Expo Confirmed
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Calling all California Building Professionals
If you are interested in working with us to create solutions to eliminate demolition in California and sustain our resources, please email me.
Find out more about us here.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Beverly Hills Home Yields over 9 Tons of Reclaimed Lumber
All this reclaimed lumber - OVER 9 TONS - is heading down to Baja, Mexico where Corazon Ministries will use it to build safe, affordable housing.
This homeowner's decision to deconstruct rather than demolish will impact the lives of many families in many communities. Way to Think Outside the Roll-Off!
Friday, December 5, 2008
A Ride on the ReUse Network
Friday, November 21, 2008
Manhattan Beach Home 80% Recycled

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Treasures from Several Eras Will Get New Life from 1930s Beverly Hills Home Deconstruction

Tim Greenleaf's team is doing a great job deconstructing this home. The work is going quickly and they are

Monday, October 20, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Despite Economy, We All Keep Moving Forward
I enjoy meeting homeowners and professionals who want to know more about deconstruction because many are surprised to find out that there are comprehensive, user friendly solutions available now that benefit homeowners and charitable non-profits. We are thrilled by the response we get at these shows. People really do care about the environment and they want to do their part to make a difference.
I think the most positive thing I took away from the show was the fact that people are moving forward despite the economic challenges we face. It’s nice to see that our commitment to the environment is for real. If we stay the course, I believe the government will create more incentives for green industries and together we can really make a difference.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Recyled Rolling Hills Home Will Help Build Nearly Six Affordable Homes

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Santa Monica Homeowners Deconstruct & Get Noticed
Santa Monica Daily Press - Page 3:
Los Angeles Chronicle
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Kelly Wood - An Inspiration To Our Team
Currently Kelly is on a cross-country bike ride to benefit Habitat for Humanity called Bike & Build. She is riding from Florida to California to raise money and awareness and she's building homes along the way. We support her, we miss her and we know she is changing lives with every mile.
You can read her bio here.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
YOUR HOUSE, YOUR RULES! Ten Ways To Ensure Your Home Is Properly Recycled & Your Construction Project Doesn’t Generate Needless Waste
- Plan ahead to save (ReUse and Recycle). Failure to plan could needlessly cost you.
- Do the Research & Take the Lead Yourself: don’t rely on the professionals to find out what can and cannot be recycled and reused – Industry professionals are ultimately their to service your needs.
- As part of your hiring criteria, interview and hire general contractors you know to have a permanent and well developed waste management plan for all their project sites.
- Be Assertive. State your preference clearly where diversion practices are concerned.
- Check contractor references: Ask about his/her “service” in addition to time and cost of work performed; how orderly did the contractor keep their project site? Does the reference or did the referral witness or otherwise have familiarity with this aspect of the contractor’s service?
- Have recycle bins available for your contractor. Keep in mind that you will have extra bodies eating and drinking daily for a long period of time. Can your bins handle it? If not, take steps to prepare and insist they be utilized, such as posting simple signs saying what waste goes where and get the commitment of your contractor to take up the lead and follow through with the plan.\
- Consider a Deconstruction Solution for your project. It’s not appropriate for every project – just the majority. A Deconstruction Solution could be your single biggest opportunity to save financial assets for your project and physical assets for others.
- Take advantage of tax breaks available to those that donate to organizations such as Deconstruction & Reuse Network, and/or Habitat for Humanity.
- Stay involved. This doesn’t mean micro managing your contractor. But remember – its your project and therefore your rules.
- Be A Community Leader – tell your friends about your recycling initiatives and encourage the same – Help your neighbors to Think Outside the Roll-Off!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
6. As a builder, add signage to your job site as your permanent recycling strategy: What does and doesn’t go in the roll-off; cans go here, bottles here, scrap metal here, food waste here, etc.
7. As a general contractor, try integrating your waste management practices into selling your services. This shows attention to detail and will win you projects as you set yourself apart from other builders.
8. Assign one individual in the company and one individual on every job site that is responsible for implementing your waste management plan.
9. Offer a Deconstruction Solution whenever remotely possible. Forego traditional demolition at every opportunity. (NOTE: Just because the first client passes on deconstruction, don’t stop offering. Currently, one in three people who are given the lead time to consider a Deconstruction Solution, choose it.)
10. Think Outside the Roll-Off! Remember the savings and good things that can be achieved by donating to organization such as Deconstruction/ReUse Network, Habitat for Humanity, and Corazon.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Here of five of my Top 10 Tips for improving your recycling and reuse efforts now:
1. Become a ReUse Network Member Architect or Member Builder and we’ll keep you current on user-friendly solutions and frequent updates about industry practices, resources and legislation.
2. Question your current business habits and prejudices about what can and cannot be reused and what you can influence.
3. As a professional architect, builder, project manager, estimator, etc; ask yourself, whether you’re really taking the lead and going the extra mile in influencing diversion and environmental practices.
4. Design a permanent diversion management strategy (architects not excluded) for your operation. Employ it even if you’re not working in a jurisdiction that requires an official Waste Management Plan, like the City of Santa Monica does.
5. As an architect, know that you’re in a leading position to influence clients and job site practices. Refer clients to general contractors you know always employ solid waste diversion practices on their job sites and remind clients to interview builders about this aspect of their operation.
Coming tomorrow: Part II
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Deconstruction & ReUse Network Launches this week at Alt Build Expo in Santa Monica, Calif.
Organization launches Deconstruction Program this week at “Alternative Building & Design Expo”
Los Angeles, CA – April 22, 2008: The Deconstruction & Building Materials ReUse Network, Inc. (Deconstruction/ReUse Network) will launch its deconstruction program this “earth” week at the 5th Annual Alternative Building & Design Expo in Santa Monica April 25 and 26. Deconstruction/ReUse Network is a non-profit organization committed to integrating practical, industry-friendly solutions for deconstruction, while building greater cooperation and collaboration with for-profit and non-profit business organizations to achieve reuse. All deconstruction is performed by licensed, for-profit professional contractors and all quality materials are reused. Finished materials are resold through a partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles and reclaimed rough lumber is donated to the Baja California home building ministry Corazon, for use in helping to build communities through their programs and repairing homes near their community centers in Tijuana and Tecate.
Lorenz Schilling, who worked to develop deconstruction solutions for six years, says he recognized a need to motivate homeowners and building industry professionals with more user-friendly and feel-good solutions. “We need to listen and respond to building industry professionals with practical solutions which at the same time offer tangible results in order for them to abandon demolition and adopt these practices on a broader basis. This just was not happening,” says Schilling. “I think it’s important to motivate people beyond their wallets and environmental concerns to respond on a social or humanitarian level as well.”
Deconstruction/ReUse Network brings together homeowners, contractors, architects, civic leaders, waste-diversion professionals, environmental advocates and for-profit and nonprofit organizations in a quest for common solutions to the staggering problem of C&D waste. Homeowners donate their home to The Deconstruction & Building Materials ReUse Network, who inventories the materials and coordinates with member contractors to facilitate the deconstruction process. Deconstruction/ReUseNetwork then donates and distributes the materials to non-profits that construct affordable housing, thereby completing the circle of reuse.
Visit Us at:
The Alternative Building & Design Expo
Santa Monica Civic Auditorium
Friday, April 25 & Saturday, April 26
Booth #103 (next to our partner Habitat for Humanity in booth 104)
About Deconstruction and Building Materials ReUse Network:
The Deconstruction and Building Materials ReUse Network ( is an environmental public benefit corporation, 501(c)(3), promoting and empowering deconstruction practices and the reuse of quality building materials. The organization is headquartered in Orange County, California and offers deconstruction programs in Northern and Southern California. All work is performed by licensed for-profit professionals.
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Earth Day Post: Confessions of a Polluter

I’m addicted to a big truck. I’ve been using a Chevy 2500 HD Crew Cab for 4 years now. I don’t have another back-up vehicle. I drive it all over Southern California. It gets 12 miles to the gallon - on good days. In 2006, I spent over $6,000 in gas.
Worse, I just started an environmental non-profit. What a hypocrite, right!
Sometimes I haul stuff in my truck as part of my work. I try to use this as part of my justification. I need the truck. I save stuff like doors and windows and try to do good things with them. I drive around promoting deconstruction.
For all the stuff I keep out of the landfill (my positive environmental contribution) I wonder whether I just cancel it all out with the truck I drive.
I wonder what my carbon footprint is compared to others. I feel like a sinner as I roar down the freeway in my big truck – especially when I pass somebody with a Prius. I can’t help but think what a better and smarter person they are than me.
If someone wants to donate a Prius to our little non-profit organization, I swear I’ll limit my truck use to just the times I’m really hauling material or towing something, or meeting with a demolition contractor I want to make feel comfortable. (Demo contractors are suspicious of guys driving little environmental cars, you know. I’ve been over it and over it in my head and I’m sure it doesn’t have anything to do with my own insecurities.)
But back to the Prius or Smart Car, or Ethanol powered vehicle that some generous company will surely donate to our little start up environmental organization…
…sorry, I have a tendency to fantasize. It’s just that as gas prices rise and rise, the pressure to change my gas guzzling ways gets more and more intense!
I hate this situation! I am so conflicted! Honestly, I really, really love my big truck. My roommate drives a brand new 2008 Lexus RX 350 and I would prefer to drive my 7 year old truck any day.
Three of my neighbors just bought brand new crew cab diesel trucks. Two Dodge’s and one Ford – all ¾ ton! We’re all crazy in this country! We’re addicted to big cars! But I’ve got something on those losers… I’m clearly a far better recycler than they are! You should see our recycling bin versus theirs. Let me tell you something, we’ve got it going on at our house!
That’s right. I might drive a big truck, but my massive guilt compels me to be the best trash recycler on my block, baby!
Thanks for letting me share. My name is Lorenz, and I’m an addict.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Reusable Building Materials can be Used to Build a New Home in One Day
Ok. I'll stop with the double talk and word-smithing. Slack, meaning I rarely allow myself the luxury of getting too pumped up or confident. So despite the vibe Charles was putting out and many other good things that were happening, I managed to reduce my expectations when going to the Corazon 30th Anniversary Picnic on Sunday in Irvine. I even told my new friend Erin (a Corazon "Blue Shirt" volunteer leader) when arriving at the picnic that I was probably going about my approach to Corazon leaders in the wrong way. Oh, the self doubt!
My wish since starting the ReUse Network about a year ago, was that working together with other complimentary non-profits (and for-profits) we could achieve more tangible results with the tons of rough lumber we would ultimately reclaim through the deconstruction process in Southern California.
Corazon builds homes in Mexico and runs six community centers between Tijuana and Tecate where they teach construction classes, along with computer, sewing, bike repair, welding and gardening classes. If they could incorporate some or all of the lumber from our deconstruction projects into their programs, whether it was in framing or used as blocking, or into home repair or room additions, or their construction training would be huge!
So yesterday was big for me and was a reminder that prayer works, and that I should pray and be thankful more often. But I had reduced my expectations before the picnic in order to protect myself, thinking of the many reasons the lumber would be a burden to Corazon's operation and they would not want it. Fortunantly, they didn't see things that way. Quite the opposite, actually; Tery Mackprang (Corazon President) was very entusiastic about all the things they could do with the lumber. Among other things, Terry said they could begin to catch up on some of the 50 or so room additions they were behind on. He said they have great access for tractor-trailers at at least on of their Tijuana facilities, and they also have ideal places to store the lumber in fenced and secured areas at several of their community centers and that they'd borrow or buy a forklift.
Needless to say I could not have been more pleased and more blown away by their enthusiasm.
So - it was a good day, and a good week.
Helping others. Just another great reason to keep thinking outside the roll-off!
(There are more pictures from Corazon build on March 29th posted on the Re-Use Network website, where you can see what the organization does nearly every weekend)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Manhattan Beach Home Recycling in Progress
Beautiful doors, kitchen cabinets, lighting fixtures, sinks and toilets have been diverted from local landfills and better yet, will be sold at the Habitat for Humanity Home Improvement Store in Gardena to help build more affordable housing.
If you are remodelling and think you may have resuable materials, please contact me, it's never too late to recycle your house.
Remember, let's all keep thinking "outside the roll-off."
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
It's All About Thinking "Outside the Roll-Off"
My wonderful P.R. person Angela Moore, who protects me from myself and keeps me on message, has directed me to get going on the subject area I of course have a passion for and that’s deconstruction and building materials reuse.
I must admit this is not a natural passion for me but rather a learned passion. That means there’s hope for other people. If I can learn to have a passion for saving stuff (building materials, namely) that can still be reused, then other people smarter than me might be able to do it, maybe not with a passion, but because it makes sense to many deliberate and rational thinking people when introduced to the concept and its benefits.
The concept (I just backspaced through about five words. I’m a cheater already!) is that we have reusable value and basis in the building materials that comprise the dwellings we live in and that when we build a new house or remodel our existing residence – we can do good things with these materials instead of just tossing them in a landfill. We can put these materials to work for ourselves and/or others.
I used to marvel at my Grandfather’s ability to utilize the embodied energy in his old tools long after most people nowadays would have gone out and purchased a new rake or shovel. Not Fred! All that rake needed was a small brace and two bolts and it was good to go for another ten years!
Maybe Fred was an extreme dude, but why do we toss perfectly good lumber out? Why can’t we use used lumber as blocking in new homes? Ask the timber industry.
Just think if we required that all new home construction incorporated 10% of framing lumber from reuse sources. Maybe that’s an unrealistic percentage, but the point is we could reduce the need for cutting down trees by demanding we do more with the lumber from the trees that we cut down 30 or 90 years ago. And our landfills would be less burdened.
Why don’t we do this already? Well, there are certain things in this country we’re not very good at conserving. (I just backspaced through another whole sentence because I know I’m rambling).
Maybe the answer is simply that someone needs to come up with a better system for getting it done. Getting what done? - getting more reusable materials into the reuse stream and out of the solid waste stream.
Yes, we all know reuse happens sporadically and recycling happens more and more, but we still throw the vast majority of these materials under a trackloader and then into our landfills. We have a lot of room for improvement. Actually the area of demolition is probably the area on most construction sites where waste volumes can be most dramatically reduced.
Next time I’ll share how I got into the demolition and/or deconstruction and reuse industry or niche and where it and the Reuse Network are currently.
Until then, keep thinking outside the roll-off!